研究成果 研究成果 |
发布时间:2019-04-18 23:25:18 阅读次数[756]
[1] Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil over Mesoporous SO42-/Zr-SBA-15 [J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 28(3): 361-369. [2] Synthesis of SO42-/Zr-SBA-15 catalyst for the transesterification of waste cooking oil as a bio-flotation agent in coal flotation [J]. Fuel, 2015, 143: 390-398. [3] Tech-economic evaluation of waste cooking oil to bio-flotation agent technology in the coal flotation industry [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 95: 131-141.
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